This is my favorite comic ever. Authored by the genius of Bill Waterson, Calvin & Hobbes was syndicated for a decade to newspapers worldwide. As it’s often the case for bright minds, Mr. Waterson is not without his mysteries and the strength of his beliefs. For instance, he has never authorized any merchandise based on the characters and settings of Calvin & Hobbes, feeling that such commercial overexposure would downgrade the essence of the story and its characters. He also believes that there is no “high art” or “low art”, just art. Anyway, I love his work. I’m very fond of stories which, albeit seemingly targeted at younger audiences, have a deep philosophical and critical background (e.g., Phineas and Ferb). Summarizing, Calvin & Hobbes is an artistic masterpiece. Don’t miss it.

I’d also love a big sunny field, Hobbes 🙂